
3 Maj 2022, 09:59 03.05.2022 ( 06:04 Poland am)

IF about MORDERERS; my UNCLE ( soldier) was murdered a lot time ago. He's suffered and suffered, I didn't know why. Someone told me some stupidities but it wasn't true. Suddenly just disappeared, then some policeman came to flat I leave ( that time) and told me about his death. I can't remember what's happened ,I don't know nothing about it, I just know the grave's place. I have no photography ( was stolen) but I remember exactly how he looked like ( nice, talented man).

1 Maj 2022, 09:59 01.05.2022 (Poland 03:08 am)

LOWER SILESIA , is it still POLAND? NO, hier is no polish people. NOW, YOU CAN FIND only THIEVES, RAPERERS and MURDERERS. I AM POLE and I'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND WHY SOMEONE TRY TO MURDER ME? MY WHOLE LIFE (I'm in the middle), I hard work and often eat just dry bread. I'M ATTACKED from my childhood by something very primitive 'CAUSE I LIKE SCIENCE AND NORMALITY. EVEN CMENTARY is DEVASTATED HERE. WHERE ARE NORMAL PEOPLE? STAY STILL ALIVE?

Payments 28 Kwi 2022, 09:59 Another one ( Poland 03:35 pm)

See photography.

New payments, losses 28 Kwi 2022, 09:59 NEW PAYMENTS ( Poland 03:31 pm)

'Cause of stolen part of system and messages I have losses . Example on photography.

26 Kwi 2022, 09:59 04:19 am Poland

FAMILIES of all this sick people ( THIEVES, RAPERERS, MURDERERS) SHOULD PAY to the END of THEIR LIFES ( I mean families lifes) MONEY to my BANK ACCOUNT 'CAUSE of my DESTROYED LIFE, MICROBUSSINES and Everything I LOST 'CAUSE of THEM. I"M waiting for money! IN POLAND PERSON with psychological SICKNESS murder NORMAL PEOPLE and NOBODY"S CARE . IN THIS AREA YOU CAN'T BUY NORMAL BOOKS and PRESS ( with SPORTS, AIRCRAFTS, MUSIC, ART, SCIENTIFIC PRESS), HERE is no NORMAL LAWYERS, JUST THIEVES . WHAT'S HAPPENED ??? WHERE ARE PEOPLE ??? IS JUST WORSE, WORSE and WORSE !!! I'M POLE, WHY SOMEONE WANTS to murder me in POLISH COUNTRY ??? IF YOU don't have money for me, maybe You should print( if You're so smart) or YOU CAN GIVE ME BACK MONEY from ZUS ( kind of insurance , I mean money from 2014, I was oppressed to pay after that time, it's illegal 'cause rules of justice was changed). Please contact me, in english or american language ( Best way),for safe.