
12 Wrz 2021, 10:06 Stolen photos (12.09.2021 09:37 am Poland)

From my childhood,on photos: 1-I and orange pontoon 2-I and my friends 3- red car with big green cicada(on the back) 4-my grandfather with 2 friends and motor behind(grandfather,one of the few normal persons in my life,was murdered in 20-th century) Things: -Little orange TV set

19 Sie 2021, 10:06 Thief in my e-mail (19.08.2021 11:01 am Poland)

I had proposition for print materials from my paintings, thief delated my messages! Please send another one if You can (I'm interested in),sms or mms (+48) 517 503 367.

27 Lip 2021, 10:06 27.07.2021 (07:44 Poland am)

I need professional help to get out thief from my private business e-mail and mobile. If someone can do this and is interested in, please call: (+48) 517 503 367,send sms,mms or e-mail:agata@blue-bird.pl. I know ,now we have holidays but it's very important for me.I changed place and must work 'cause I'm not a thief,maybe this is my mistake?

19 Lip 2021, 10:06 19.07.2021 06:08 (Poland am)

Someone delated my private e-mails (messages) to and from clients !

17 Lip 2021, 10:06 17.07.2021(Poland am)

Someone is connect with my mobile. This is not possible to have two localizations exactly at the same time! Is'nt it? I wonder if thief couldn't buy his own mobile , with his own localization?