
Thief-director steal my money 23 Wrz 2021, 10:04 Very poor ZUS director steal my money (from my micro business)

22.09.2021 (08:45 Poland am) I have a thief. From my bank account he stole my money (exactly 451,74 PLN) and transfer to his own bank account, below: 88 1020 5590 0000 0802 8360 1010 PKO BP Centrum Korporacyjne I (title: CZĘ ZAR430321004533 451,68 PLN, and another one: CZĘ ZAR430331004533 0,06 PLN). Maybe someone could help give my money back? Every help will be very appreciated.

17 Wrz 2021, 10:04

17.09.2021 (02:16 Poland am). I work very hard for years ,to make my products better, to make my website better,to have good contacts with my clients all-over the world.I don't understand, why someone wants to destroy my job,my friends,my clients.I do everything myself,every month I make payment to US. Why someone steal my business messages from my e-mail and money I earn,system in my mobile? For years some criminal organization terrorized me about money,so I pay,pay and pay,and they want more,more,and more.I have no car but I pay insurance,even my modem was stolen. I was terrorized to pay some insurance to some ZUS,I pay, pay ,and pay. Regulations changed in 2014-any payment only more than 200 000 PLN sales for year,I don't have it ,of course.As I see ,I pay 6 years a lot of money 'cause some criminal organization,but not anymore. A lot of times they want to murder me,maybe 'cause of that.

16 Wrz 2021, 10:04

16.09.2021 (08:53 Poland am) Strange,why thief thinks, that he is some director ?Is it some kind of sickness? Maybe this thief, who thinks,that he is director should go to doctor? But doctor should be a doctor ,not a thief, who thinks,that he is doctor. Who's gonna give back my all stolen money?

16 Wrz 2021, 10:04

16.09.2021 (14:53 Poland am) Thieves; example: I had credit card( just short view, not used yet, 2100 PLN for something new).The day after 200 PLN disappeared and now credit is not available.Two days ago someone stole money from my account,so 'cause of that . In this area ,to have business is like to have some big to havy shoes in whole your life.

16 Wrz 2021, 10:04

As I see Orange has thieves too.Oh,they have no money and food? Maybe some cake will be better?